
Thursday, December 19, 2024

God and the “Gentile Mission”

The term “Gentile mission” refers to the spreading of the message of the gospel by the early New Testament church to non-Jewish people (known as Gentiles). It is often used in commentaries, dissertations, lectures, but probably not nearly as much in sermons. The so-called “Gentile mission” was ordained of God, but early church Christians – who were Jews by nature and culture – struggled with this expansion to include a people held in low esteem and even disdain by Jews and their Jewish culture.

The book of Acts documents that expansion and its accompanying struggle, beginning with the foundation of the Lord sending out the church empowered unto the uttermost part of the earth (1:8) and empowering Peter (2:16ff.) to speak of the prophet Joel’s message that God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh, and that whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.

The role of God in the Gentile mission is emphasized.

  • Acts 10:45. God poured out his Spirit on the Gentiles.
  • Acts 11:17. God gave the like gift to the Gentiles as to the Jews.
  • Acts 11:18. God granted Gentiles repentance unto life.
  • Acts 14:27. God opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles.
  • Acts 15:7. God chose that the Gentiles should hear the gospel.
  • Acts 15:14. God visited and took out a people for his name among the Gentiles.
  • Acts 21:19. God wrought things among the Gentiles.
  • Acts 28:28. God sent his salvation to the Gentiles.

God stamped his approval on the expansion of the Gentile mission through prophecy, visions, and spiritual guidance.
  • Acts 9:10-16. A vision to Ananias confirms God had chosen a vessel to bear his name to the Gentiles.
  • Acts 10:9ff. (11:5ff.). This vision shown to Peter reveals the Gentiles are not to be considered common or unclean.
  • Acts 11:27ff. God sent prophets from Jerusalem to Antioch, as the church expands into Gentile territory, first among the Jews (v. 19) and then the Grecians (v. 20).
  • Acts 13:2ff. The Holy Ghost reveals to the church at Antioch that he called Paul and Barnabas to a Gentile mission.
  • Acts 16:9ff. This vision received by Paul introduces a call to the people of Macedonia.
  • Acts 18:9ff. The vision given to Paull states that God is in the work among the Gentiles at Corinth.
  • Acts 15:32ff. Judas and Silas, prophets sent by the Jerusalem church, confirm the word at Antioch.
  • Acts 23:11ff. The Lord encourages Paul that he will bear witness in Rome.

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