
Wednesday, August 07, 2024

From the BaptistBoard BrainTrust

The BaptistBoard discussion board is infected with a high dose of anti-KJVO/anti-KJV members.[i] They have one forum called “Bible Versions & Translations.” In theory it is for any and all discussion of Bible versions and translations. In practice it is mostly for or against the King James Bible. It can be hard to praise the KJV there without some anti comeback. The diseased are quick to say that they do not hate the King James Bible, it is just King James Onlyism that they hate. By their works ye shall know them. If a man says he hates me, but treats my parents with despite, etc., it will be hard to think he does not hate them too, even if it is only on my account. Below are a few comments I picked from threads at the BaptistBoard. It not only shows their hatred for KJVO, but also their despite of the KJV itself. It further indicates that these smart folks are not are smart as they think they are. For example, if they cannot read a 1611 King James Bible, they are not even as smart as I am! Yet they set themselves up as smart enough to tell others what they ought to do.

“I have listened to several KJVO preachers (preachers who grew up on the KJV) mistranslate verses because of the antiquated language (the ‘so’ in John 3:16; the ‘morning star’ in Isaiah; the ‘sea of reeds’ in Exodus....etc.).” (You don’t understand the difference between “mistranslate” and “misinterpret” yet we should take your advice?)

“Have you ever actually seen a 1611 KJV Bible? You can’t hardly read it today.” … “Here’s [a scan] from the book of Judges in the 1611. It’s almost unreadable.” (And yet “you people” are usually the ones recommending that others learn to read Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek – while you can’t even read English in the blackletter font?)

“If you want to struggle through the font and spellings of the 1611, then have at it.” (Hardly any regular KJV reader is reading the 1611 fonts and spellings!)

“The translators did not have as many resources as we have today.” (More is not automatically better, and sometimes the more clocks you have, the less you actually know about what time it is! Additionally, they may have had access to some resources no longer available today.)

“What I can’t understand is why the KJV usually translated αγιου πνευματος as ‘Holy Ghost’!” (In Biblical or Christian Old English gast meant spirit or life. It was used to render the Latin spiritus. Gast comes into modern English spelling as ghost. This sense can be seen in Holy Ghost and gave up the ghost. Nothing that hard to understand there.)

In one thread when a member wrote “I recommend the KJV only for the pure words of God in the English language,” the ubiquitous anti-KJVO critic Rick Norris popped in to say “Your recommendation is not Scripture. Are you recommending an opinion or tradition of men?” Yet when another member wrote “I recommend the NASB only for the pure words of God in the English language,” ever-present Rick was not present. He remained as quiet as church mouse, silent as the grave, and as dead as a door-nail. He claims to fight onlyism, but his responses are always only in the vein of the King James Bible.

These are just a few samples, easily gathered. What a bunch of maroons.

[i] I used to post a lot on the BaptistBoard – I even served as moderator there many years ago – but I found the consistent ignorance and belligerence of a few made it highly intolerable to be there, especially when one of them was an unmoderated Moderator pushing the Covid agenda.

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