
Monday, December 11, 2023

Technology Too Far?

It’s worth asking the question: how far is too far? Our research offers some clarity on this. It’s “too far” when TMM attempts to replace active and embodied involvement with a local church. TMM can be a tremendous resource to reach the lost and engage with our culture. Technology can be an effective tool for reinforcing a church’s discipleship efforts. Technology can also benefit those providentially hindered by the momentary challenges of life. But certain forms of online and virtual technologies can also dilute the Christian life by devaluing and undermining a Christian’s regular and meaningful involvement in a local church...Scripture also commands us to take part in the reciprocal imperatives of the Christian life (1 Cor. 12:25, Gal. 6:2, Col. 3:13, which cannot be adequately expressed or obeyed through technology-mediation, “online churches,” or “online church membership.”

Heath Woolman, Pastor of Fruit Cove Baptist Church in St. Johns, Florida, Technology-Mediated Ministry: How Far Is Too Far?

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