
Saturday, March 25, 2023

In other words, what Miles Smith said

  • abrogating, noun. The abolishing, formally repealing, or annulling of a law; officially ending.
  • cavil, noun. A trivial and annoying objection.
  • epitomist, noun. One who makes an epitome; one who abridges; an epitomizer.
  • fenowed, adjective. Corrupted; decayed; moldy.
  • gainsaying, noun. Opposition, especially in speech; refusal to accept or believe something; contradiction; denial.
  • gloat, verb. To look at or think about with great or excessive, often smug or malicious, satisfaction.
  • gore, verb. To pierce with or as if with a horn or tusk.
  • meteyard, noun. A yard, staff, or rod, used as a measure.
  • newfangledness, noun. Novelty; the quality of being novel.
  • panary, noun. A pantry or storehouse for bread.
  • pandect, noun. The definitive statement of a legal rule.
  • parley, verb. To speak, talk, or confer; to hold an informal conference with an enemy under a truce, as between active hostilities.
  • peradventure, adverb. It may be; possibly; perhaps, perchance.
  • pernicious, adjective. Causing great harm; destructive.
  • pike, noun. A long spear, a pointed weapon on a shaft, formerly used by infantry.
  • vulgar, adjective. Common; of, or in the popular, or vernacular, speech

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