
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Obadiah Dodson

Obituary of Elder Obadiah Dodson

Whereas, The afflicting hand of Providence has visited us during the past associational year, bereaving us of our well beloved and highly esteemed Brother, Elder Obadiah Dodson, therefore

Be it Resolved, That this Association deeply sympathize with the bereaved family of our dear, departed Brother, and feel that the whole Association suffers in common with the family of the deceased an irreparable loss.

Bro: Dodson was a faithful soldier of Jesus; and although his last illness was short, and he was not sensible of the approach of death, yet we feel confident that he has fallen asleep in Christ.

He lived the life of the righteous and his last days were like His.

Minutes of the Grand Cane (La.) Baptist Association, 1854, page 6

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