
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tracing Baptist history views, 1

Many unfamiliar with Baptist history and Baptist theology assume that the idea of Baptist church succession arose in the Southern United States in the mid-1800s. But read here a Baptist in the Northern United States in 1838 who presents the same view:
In tracing [Baptist] history through preceding ages, we are obliged to learn their existence and condition mostly from the concessions of Roman Catholics, and other opposers; for, during the Pagan and Papal persecutions, which continued from A.D. 66, to A.D. 1700, it was the constant aim of the Catholics and their allies to destroy the writings, as well as the persons of the true church...We have thus hastily traced the church down to the apostolic age, and find that although we are now surrounded by many denominations, yet they are of so recent origin, that previous to the rise of Lutheranism, A.D. 1517, it was vastly different; and as we approach the apostolic age, their number appears still less, until we arrive at A.D. 325, when the first general division took place at Alexandria, respecting the doctrine of Arius. From that time, down to the organization of the first church at Jerusalem, A.D. 33, there was but one denomination, which has since been called by various names: First, Disciples, then Christians, and in after ages several nicknames, as we have seen; and at present it is known by the name of the Baptized Church, to distinguish it from those churches which merely sprinkle. Thus evident it is, that the Bible and impartial history sustain our claim to apostolic church origin; and that not only John Huss, Jerome of Prague and John Wickliff, were martyrs of our church, but equally demonstrates that Ignatius, Irenaeus, Polycarp, and the multitudes who have sealed their fuith with their blood since them, were Baptists.
The Convert's Guide to First Principles; or Evangelical Truth, Israel Robords, New Haven, CT: William Storer, Jr., 1838 (At the time this was written, Robords was Pastor of the First Baptist Church, New Haven, Connecticut)

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