
Sunday, December 21, 2008

Clark quotes

In a review of God and Evil Darrin R. Brooker wrote, "God and Evil...sets forth the only coherent and consistent answer to the problem [of evil]." Earlier he wrote, "Quite simply, the problem only exists where there is an errant view of the character of God."

"The term will is ambiguous. The Ten Commandments are God's preceptive will. They command men to do this and restrain from that. They say what ought to be done; but they neither state nor cause what is done. God's decretive will, however, as contrasted with his precepts, causes every event. It would be conducive to clarity if the term will were not applied to the precepts. Call the requirements of morality commands, precepts, or laws; and reserve the term will for the divine decree. These are two different things, and what looks like an opposition between them is not a self-contradiction. The Jews ought not to have demanded Christ's crucifixion. It was contrary to the moral law. But God decreed Christ's death from the foundation of the world."

"Free will is not the basis of responsibility. In the first place, and at a more superficial level, the basis of responsibility is knowledge." p. 33 (but also the headship of Adam)

"In the theological literature, free agency -- or natural liberty -- means that the will is not determined by physical or physiological factors. But free agency is not free will. Free will means that there is no determining factor operating on the will, not even God. Free will means that either of two incompatible actions are equally possible. Free agency goes with the view that all choices are inevitable." p. 31

"Free will has been defined as the equal ability, under given circumstances, to choose either of two courses of action." p. 15 " faced with incompatible courses of action is as able to choose any one as well as any other."

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