
Friday, October 19, 2007

Purpose of Music in the Church

Because of readers' interest, I like to post something from time to time on music and singing. The following directs you to some articles on church music.

In Purpose of Music in the Church, Paul Foltz writes (found in Grace Notes, Newsletter of Grace For All Publications):

The Word of God presents only two purposes for music in the church:
1. that of worshiping and praising God;
2. that of edifying the saints.
There are well over 800 references to music and its use in the Bible...We have no command or example from the Scriptures for music to be used for any other purpose.
Do you agree or disagree? Click the link above to read the entire article. Other views can be found in
The Philosophy of our Music Ministry and Music and the Church: Finding Our Voice in Worship, By Ken Puls.

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