
Thursday, February 02, 2006

Dependence on Christ

Total Dependence on Christ, (Long Meter)

My faith in weak, my knowledge small;
But for Thy grace, O Lord, I fall.
What I should do, that I forget;
What I should not, I do still yet.

Slow to give thanks, quick to complain --
I hate the sun and curse the rain.
When times are hard, then do I faint;
My heart is frail, I start to pant.

I’m falling fast, hope seems to flee;
But still Thy hand is holding me.
You lift me up 'til heaven I see --
Oh, glorious thought! oh, mystery.

The gracious lot that I am thine
Humbles my pride and soothes my mind.
Oh, precious Lord, my God and Friend,
On Thee alone I must depend.

(1992, by blog author) permission given for free use, with the suggestion of giving proper credit of author and a mention of this site. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

Is Robert the author?

The greatest honour the Lord bestowed upon his disciples, was when he said, "Ye are my friends..." As Paul wrote, "When I am weak, then am I strong....." This poem demonstrates this very well.



R. L. Vaughn said...

Yes, brother Jim, I am the author. I hope and pray the poem does truly demonstrate the truth. It records how I feel much of the time.