
Monday, August 26, 2024

The Trident

[Evolution assaults] the word of God at its very inception by calling into question the most basic tenets of Scripture. Once hooked by this spike, gone for the most part is trust in an instantaneous special creation by God, a literal Adam and Eve, the fall of man, and his subsequent need for a Redeemer. The first eleven chapters of Genesis, the seed bed for all the doctrines that follow in the remainder of Scripture, become little more than a fable or parable. The rudimentary truth of fallen man’s proclivity toward evil and of eventual judgment against impenitence, as demonstrated in the worldwide Flood, is lost in the battle for the hearts and souls for whom the ultimate sacrifice has been made.

The nature, power, and character of the Living God so clearly set forth in these and the ensuing chapters of Genesis, as well as the rest of the Decalogue, become blurred and faith is shipwrecked in the fog of doubt and confusion.

Floyd Nolen Jones, The Chronology of the Old Testament, page 7 [Note: In context, the “Trident” is textual criticism, evolution, and the jettisoning of biblical chronology.]


Anonymous said...

Very good stuff


R. L. Vaughn said...

Thanks, Jim. I agree, Floyd Nolen Jones has put out some good material.