
Monday, September 16, 2024

The Book of God

“You have a Bible: but perhaps you have never fully considered what a wonderful treasure you Bible is. As it stands on the shelf, it looks much like another book, and if you open it and turn over its leaves, it looks so still; in print, and paper, and binding, there is nothing remarkable about it. But its contents, its words, how different they are from those of any other book! This is the Book of God. God inspired those who wrote it, God taught them what to say…

“Such is the treasure you have in that Book which stands among others on your book-shelf; alike in appearance, but how different in reality; they the books of men, this the Word of God! …

“Take your Bible in hand every day. Read it humbly, seriously, and prayerfully; read it as from God; read it with a true desire to learn from it, and to live by it; then God will speak to you by it indeed, and make it a lamp to your feet and a light to your path.”

The Bible,” Francis Bourdillon, 1870

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