
Saturday, September 07, 2024

In other (Sacred Harp) words, abate to zephyr

  • abate, verb. To reduce in amount, degree, or intensity; lessen; diminish.
  • beatific, adjective. Bestowing bliss, blessings, happiness, or the like; blissful, saintly.
  • bower, noun. An attractive dwelling or retreat; a shelter (as in a garden) made with tree boughs or vines twined together.
  • Columbia, noun. The United States.
  • diadem, noun. A crown worn as a sign of royalty.
  • eglantine, noun. The sweetbrier, Rosa rubiginosa; the wild rose or dogrose, Rosa canina.
  • Elysian, noun. Paradise; state of bliss.
  • evergreen, noun. A place always green or verdant.
  • fettered, adjective/verb. Bound; restrained; shackled.
  • gird, verb. To fasten or secure (clothing, for example), or, figuratively, to prepare. 
  • host, noun. An army; a multitude or great number of persons or things.
  • keel, noun. A central fore-and-aft structural member in the bottom of a hull of a ship.
  • myriad, noun. A very great number; large in number.
  • pensively, adverb. With thoughtfulness; with gloomy seriousness or some degree of melancholy.
  • pinions, noun. The wings of a bird.
  • rapture, noun. Ecstatic joy or delight; joyful ecstasy; full of feeling.
  • rapturous, adjective. Filled with or characterized by great joy or rapture; ecstatic.
  • refulgent, adjective. Radiant; gleaming; resplendent; shining brightly and radiantly.
  • seraph, noun. An angel of the first order.
  • seraphic,  adjective. Very beautiful or pure like that of an angel; angelic.
  • superlative, noun. Something of the highest possible excellence; the highest degree.
  • swarmed, verb. (past tense of swarm) To fly or move about together in large numbers.
  • transitory, adjective. Passing without continuance; continuing a short time; fleeting.
  • unbeclouded, adjective. Not obscured with a cloud or clouds; not cloudy.
  • vernal, adjective. Belonging to the spring; appearing in spring.
  • warbler, noun. A singer; a songster.
  • yon/yonder, adjective. Being at a distance within view.
  • zephyr, noun. The west wind; a gentle breeze; a light wind.

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