
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Conversions in Acts


The conversions in the book of Acts might be studied with benefit, considering the question, “Is there a normative conversion in Acts?” Or, “What is the consistent thread in all the conversion accounts?”

  1. Pentecost Acts 2:38ff
  2. 5000 in Jerusalem Acts 4:4, 32
  3. Multitudes at Solomon’s porch Acts 5:12-14
  4. The Samaritans Acts 8:16
  5. The Eunuch of Ethiopia Acts 8:36-38
  6. Paul Acts 9; 22:16
  7. Cornelius Acts 10:47ff; 11:16-17
  8. The deputy at Paphos Acts 13:4-12
  9. Antioch Pisidia Acts 13:14ff
  10. Lydia? Acts 16:13
  11. Philippian Jailer Acts 16:30-24
  12. Thessalonians Acts 17:1-9
  13. Bereans Acts 17:10ff
  14. Athenians Acts 17:16ff
  15. Corinthians Acts 18:1-11
  16. Apollos Acts 18:24-28
  17. The 12 of Ephesus Acts 19:1-7

Above is possibly a complete list of these accounts (or possible accounts).[i] Did I miss any possibilities? If so, what are they? Thanks.

[i] Possible accounts – for example, Acts 19:1-7 is believed to be so by some. Yet on the other hand, these are called disciples and believers. Or Apollos? Did he not need to only be taught more correctly than what he knew?

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