
Monday, August 19, 2024

Tribulation worketh patience

“…knowing that tribulation worketh patience.” Romans 5:3

“… as all the perfections of God are engaged for God’s people, certain it is, that no trial to his people can arise which he knew not, nay, which he appointed not, and for which he hath not made a suitable provision. Well then, what trouble of thine can be so great, as to counteract and overcome divine strength? What burden so heavy that Jesus cannot bear? What afflictions so painful that Jesus cannot soften? What grief so scorching as to dry up the streams of God’s love? Hear then his words: ‘In your patience possess ye your souls.’

“My soul, rest in this. Let past experience bring thee present confidence. See that all the fresh springs of patience flow from Jesus. Wait patiently for the Lord, by believing in him; and, depend upon it, thy present tribulation, of what sort or kind soever it is, will terminate, like every former, in bringing glory to God and comfort to thy soul.”

Robert Hawker (1753-1827)

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