
Monday, July 15, 2024

Simply preach the word

“We are commissioned to ‘preach the word,’ whether men ‘hear’ it or ‘whether they will forebear’; whether they will ‘endure’ it or whether they will not (Ezk. ii. 5, 7. 2 Tim. iv. 3.). 

“If men will not ‘endure’ or ‘hear,’ we are not to seek for something else which they will endure, but simply to ‘preach the word.’”

“People, to-day, look for ‘results,’ and unless we are able to show some, or to make up some ‘report,’ our work is considered on all hands as a failure. But we have nothing whatever to do with results. What we have to do with in our faithfulness.”  

E. W. Bullinger (1837-1913), Great Cloud of Witnesses: A Series of Papers on Hebrews XI (originally published in 1911), p. 124

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