
Saturday, May 18, 2024


In a previous post comment, Alex A. Hanna suggested another good resource would be a list of common abbreviations found in papers, research, books, and scholarly papers. The list below gives first an abbreviation, then its Latin language background, and what it means. If someone thinks of others to add to the list, let me know.

Abbreviations often used in writing and footnotes:

  • ca. (circa, around)
  • Cap. (capitulus, chapter)
  • cf. (confer, compare)
  • d.v. (Deo volente, God willing)
  • e.g. (exempli gratia, for example)
  • et al. (et alii, and others)
  • et seq. (et sequens, and the words, pages, etc. that follow)
  • etc. or &c. (et cetera, and the other)
  • f. (sing. folio, and following )
  • ff. (pl. foliis, and following)
  • i.a. (inter alia, among other things)
  • i.e. (id est, that is or in other words)
  • ibid. (ibidem, in the same place)
  • loc. cit. (loco citato, in the place cited)
  • op. cit. (opere citato, in the work cited)
  • q.v. (quod vide, which see)
  • re (in re, in the matter of or concerning)
  • s.v. (sub verbo, under the word or heading)
  • sic (sic, thus)
  • v. or vs. (versus, against)
  • viz. (videlicet, namely)
  • v.i. (vide infra, see below)
  • v.s. (vide supra, see above)

Note: Two on the list technically are not abbreviations, but are used to “abbreviate” one’s writing.


  1. Alex A. Hanna9:58 PM

    Thanks Brother Vaughn
    here is a few i found a while back that are additional to yours or expanded upon

    anon. - anonymous
    ante. - before
    app. - appendix
    art. - article

    ed. - editor, edited by, edition
    eds. - editors

    fn. - footnote

    id. (idem) - the same person
    iss. - issue of magazine or journal
    j. or ff. - following page or pages
    l. or ll. - line or lines

    n.d. - no date of publication
    n.p. - no place of publication

    p. or pp. - page or pages
    para. - paragraph
    passim - scattered or spread throughout
    pseud. - pseudonym
    pt. - part
    q.v. or quod vide - cross reference

    reg. - registered
    rev. - revised
    rpt. - reprint, reprinted by
    sc. - scene
    sec. - section

    trans. or tr. - translated or translator(s)

    vol. or vols. - volume or volumes

  2. Alex, thanks for adding your list. Lots of stuff I missed!
