
Friday, February 23, 2018

Evolution means there is no soul, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources. (I try to confirm the sources that I give, but may miss on occasion; please verify if possible.)

(Evolution means there is no soul) "If you really understand the theory of evolution, you understand that there is no soul." -- Yuval Noah Harari

"If you don't have Jesus, you still have death. If you don't have Jesus, you don't have eternal life." -- Heard

"When we pray, humanity cooperates with divinity." -- Barry C. Black

"What shepherd waves good bye to his sheep, wishes them luck, and skips off to greener pastures?" -- ​Mark Dever

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its savor, it will be the bland leading the bland!"

"Only Jesus can speak so dead men can hear." -- J. Vernon McGee (maybe others)

"Many would be scantily clad if clothed in their humility!" -- Anonymous

"If the desire for sin is unmortified (Col. 3:5), then it will produce sinful behavior when presented with temptation." -- Richard D. Phillips

"The what else for the homosexual question turns out to be the same as for every other sin. I know of no one who would affirm an orientation toward idol-worship, blasphemy, violence, laziness, stealing, lying, or covetousness. So why would we take a more positive position towards homosexual desire than any other sinful desire?" -- Richard D. Phillips

"Jesus was crucified on a cross of wood, but he made the tree and the hill on which it stood." -- Copied

"I prefer to be tried by twelve than be carried by six!" -- Wesley Briggman

"As a Christian, being correct is better than being contemporary." -- Glenn Harrell

The cross shows that God is not distant from the evil of this world. He took that upon himself. -- Russell Moore

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