
Tuesday, March 01, 2016

God's will, and other quotes

The posting of quotes by human authors does not constitute agreement with either the quotes or their sources.

"It's not the will of God if it goes against the word of God." -- copied

"Often we tend to miss the point [of the Scriptures] in an attempt to clinically and lifelessly probe a passage until it gives us either something new, or confirms our latest hypothesis." -- Braxton Hunter

"Public errors don’t have to acquire two or three witnesses for accusations to be made publicly, because the errors are already public."--  J. D. Hall

"Tolerance is a bludgeoning tool used to silence those with whom you disagree." -- Attributed to Josh McDowell (but I could not confirm it)

"The Bible doesn't need to be updated. It tells us truths about ourselves and about God that will never change." -- Billy Graham

"People foolishly choose celebrity personalities over truth." -- Sheryl [last name unknown]

"Theologians can end up looking less like scholars and more like mad scientists in a lab mixing and stirring various scriptural texts together in an attempt to find some way of elucidating a “truth” that is not there." -- Braxton Hunter

"The majority is almost always wrong. The crowd is untruth." -- Brian Zahnd

"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." -- John Piper

"Far too few who believe in the risen Christ actually believe in his revolutionary ideas. There is a sense in which we create religion as a category to keep Jesus from meddling with our cherished ideas about nationalism, freedom, and war." -- Brian Zahnd

"The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction." -- Charles Spurgeon

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