
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Church journeys, and other links

The posting of links does not constitute an endorsement of the sites linked, and not necessarily even agreement with the specific posts linked.

* An Open Letter: To My Porn-Watching Dad, From Your Daughter -- "Porn didn’t just affect your life; it affected everyone around you in ways I don’t think you can ever realize."
* Church Journeys: Progressive Primitive Baptist Church, a More "Normal" Church -- "I received an invite over Twitter and the normal church I preached at was Progressive Primitive Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, TN."
* Does Isaiah 14 Reveal Anything About Satan’s Fall? -- "The historical context of Isaiah 14 concerns the overthrow of an arrogant king (a “man” v. 16)–the Assyrian tyrant Sennacherib."
* Five Steps for Racial Reconciliation on Sunday at 11 a.m. -- "Clearly there is a tension here—a tension between building one church that displays Christian love, and the Christian love that reaches out to people in all their diversity."
* How Many Atheists does it take to put up a Billboard -- "So the actual number of atheists, despite what some people call themselves is less than 2.4 percent."
* Remember Lot's Wife -- "From experience, I would say, that there are times we all look back on our former life with pleasure."
* The Five "I Wills" of God and Lucifer -- "Typical of a proud, arrogant sinner, the devil's eyes couldn't be satisfied and he couldn't settle for being number two."
* The Very Deep Religious Allegory in Gilligan’s Island -- "The show’s creator, Sherwood Schwartz, reveals this in his book about the series."
* What Is "Arcing" and Why Is It Important? -- Arcing is a tool for following and documenting the flow of thought in the Biblical text.
* Why I Am a Primitive Baptist -- "Unlike most professing Christians, the Old Baptists believe that simplicity is preferable to complexity. "
* Why We Are Not Primitive Baptists (Part 1) -- "we sometimes will tell inquirers that compared to modern denominations or associations, we are most similar to Primitive Baptists."

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