
Friday, November 02, 2012

Biblical womanhood?

Among my random links post on Monday there was one to a Today show interview with Rachel Held Evans, who has lived and written about a year of “biblical womanhood.” Whenever I post up random links, I put a disclaimer with it. But I just can’t help commenting about this one. There are many things that could be said. So have already said more, and better. 

Rachel Held Evans wants people to think that she made a serious attempt at living a year of “biblical womanhood” and that it just won’t work. Her entire point is to ridicule and set up shop against conservative ideas of biblical womanhood. Many may fall for it. But in the end, a close examination shows that she is the one who looks silly. Pulling Bible out of context for her own ends -- who can believe this was a biblically serious event? See her perched up on a gable roof like a squirrel doing penitence? Because she found some verse about someone -- she couldn’t figure out whom -- dwelling in the corner of a housetop. Puh-leeze! And the computerized baby was a really neat trick. Bible says something about young women bearing children? Just run on down to Toys R Us get you a “Real Care Baby.” Why not get twins?

Here are two responses by other women, one a book review and the other a musing of her year of womanhood. Also a few thoughts from Doug Wilson.

A Year of Biblical Womanhood Review by Kathy Keller
My year of biblical womanhood by Kim Shay
Rachel on the roof by Douglas Wilson

1 comment:

  1. A couple of guys I thought were pretty conservative have come to the defense of Evans. In one area they do have a point -- that some people are critiquing her book without having read her book.

    I want to make clear that I have not read her book and am not critiquing her book. I am critiquing her publicity she is using to promote her book -- such as the Today Show interview. I have seen the interview and other publicity online.
