
Friday, February 11, 2011

Prayer for the continuance of the gospel

Once, while we aimed at Zion's songs,
A sudden mourning checked our tongues!
Then we were called to sow in tears,
The seeds of joy for future years.

Oft as that memorable hour
The changing year brings round again;
We meet to praise the love and pow'r
Which heard our cries, and eased our pain.

Come, ye who trembled for the ark,
Unite in praise for answered prayer!
Did not the LORD our sorrows mark?
Did not our sighing reach his ear?

Then smaller griefs were laid aside,
And all our cares summed up in one;
"Let us but have thy word, we cried,
In other things, thy will be done."

Since he has granted our request,
And we still hear the gospel voice;
Although by many trials pressed,
In this we can, and will rejoice.

Though to our lot temptations fall,
Though pain and want, and cares annoy;
The precious gospel sweetens all,
And yields us med'cine, food, and joy.

John Newton (1725-1807)
Olney Hymns, 1779

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    As another year of our Lord has made its way around the walls of time, so have an array of man's vanities to which he would pollute the Gospel.

    Would man be so bold as to let foolishness proceed from his mouth when he knows it can in no wise bring true honour to God? Words of worldy pleasure may seem right in the moment, but later are regretted and known by man as a mistaken attempt to please God. May our words be combined with actions guided by His Spirit.
