
Monday, February 28, 2011

The Christian

The christian.

Honor and happiness unite
To make the christian's name a praise;
How fair the scene, how clear the light,
That fills the remnant of his days!

A kingly character he bears,
No change his priestly office knows;
Unfading is the crown he wears,
His joys can never reach a close.

Adorned with glory from on high,
Salvation shines upon his face;
His robe is of th' ethereal dye,
His steps are dignity and grace.

Inferior honors he disdains,
Nor stoops to take applause from earth,
The King of kings himself, maintains
Th' expenses of his heav'nly birth.

The noblest creature seen below,
Ordained to fill a throne above;
GOD gives him all he can bestow,
His kingdom of eternal love!

My soul is ravished at the thought!
Methinks from earth I see him rise;
Angels congratulate his lot,
And shout him welcome to the skies!

William Cowper (1731-1800)
Olney Hymns, 1779

Monday, February 21, 2011

Does God control chiggers?

"And I sent the hornet before you, which drove them out from before you, even the two kings of the Amorites; but not with thy sword, nor with thy bow (Joshua 24.12)."

"Some of the preacher brethren have been criticized as being 'extreme' on the doctrine of predestination, just because they believe that God predestinated and controls the whereabouts of chiggers, fleas, flies and gnats, and these preachers are neither afraid nor ashamed to say publicly that they believe it...If God cannot or does not control chiggers, then I suppose either devils or angels must, or else chiggers control themselves. We know for certain that man cannot control them. Now, if God doesn’t control a chigger and man can’t, then it is doubtful that angels or devils do."
-- Hornets, by C. C. Morris

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lamp, oil

"The devil dresses up countless swarms of goats as preachers, writers, and talkers, with the lamp and wick of correct doctrine. Not a drop of oil." -- John Kay, "Inspiration" in The Gospel Standard, 1838

Friday, February 18, 2011

The passion and exaltation of Christ

HYMN 84 S. M.

The passion and exaltation of Christ.

Come, all harmonious tongues,
Your noblest music bring;
'Tis Christ the everlasting God,
And Christ the man, we sing.

Tell how he took our flesh,
To take away our guilt;
Sing the dear drops of sacred blood
That hellish monsters spilt.

Alas! the cruel spear
Went deep into his side,
And the rich flood of purple gore
Their murd'rous weapons dyed.

The waves of swelling grief
Did o'er his bosom roll,
And mountains of Almighty wrath
Lay heavy on his soul.

Down to the shades of death
He bowed his awful head;
Yet he arose to live and reign
When death itself is dead.

No more the bloody spear,
The cross and nails no more
For hell itself shakes at his name,
And all the heav'ns adore.

There the Redeemer sits
High on the Father's throne;
The Father lays his vengeance by,
And smiles upon his Son.

There his full glories shine
With uncreated rays,
And bless his saints' and angels' eyes
To everlasting days.

Isaac Watts (1674-1748)
Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Book II, 1707

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What we say

Today I heard an auto glass commercial promoting fixing dings on the windshield before they crack. Good idea. But the commercial suggested that if you have insurance there is "no cost". Hundreds of dollars a year for auto insurance is "no cost"? I don't think so. Yes, if you have insurance there may be no extra cost to you, but there is a cost.

Right now a lot of people are talking about what they're getting back from the Internal Revenue Service. Some people are. But a person who is receiving more from the IRS than he or she paid in income tax is not getting back (some of what they paid in). That is person is getting someone else's money!

How often I hear someone who has purchased a lottery ticket talking about what he was "won". Do the math! If you just told me you purchased a $5 lotto ticket and won $3 -- hey, you actually just lost two dollars!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's

"None can see Him but His friends,
And they were once his foes....
Did He but shine alike on all,
Then all alike would love."

From "Seeking the Beloved" by William Cowper

Friday, February 11, 2011

Prayer for the continuance of the gospel

Once, while we aimed at Zion's songs,
A sudden mourning checked our tongues!
Then we were called to sow in tears,
The seeds of joy for future years.

Oft as that memorable hour
The changing year brings round again;
We meet to praise the love and pow'r
Which heard our cries, and eased our pain.

Come, ye who trembled for the ark,
Unite in praise for answered prayer!
Did not the LORD our sorrows mark?
Did not our sighing reach his ear?

Then smaller griefs were laid aside,
And all our cares summed up in one;
"Let us but have thy word, we cried,
In other things, thy will be done."

Since he has granted our request,
And we still hear the gospel voice;
Although by many trials pressed,
In this we can, and will rejoice.

Though to our lot temptations fall,
Though pain and want, and cares annoy;
The precious gospel sweetens all,
And yields us med'cine, food, and joy.

John Newton (1725-1807)
Olney Hymns, 1779