
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Feet washing in Kentucky

“THE WASHING OF FEET was a very common ceremony among the early churches of Kentucky. It prevailed to some extent among the Regular Baptists, especially those of them who had been brought up among the Separate Baptists, as was the case with many of the Regular Baptists in Kentucky. The Elkhorn Association decided, as early as 1788, that: ‘As to feet washing, the Association is not unanimous, but agrees that the using or not using that practice shall not affect our fellowship.’ Among the Regular Baptists, it was practiced partially a few years, and then went entirely out of use. It was strenuously insisted on among the Separate Baptists, and has continued to be practiced among them to the present time. The following resolution, passed by the South Kentucky Association of Separate Baptists, in 1873, shows the position of the Separate Baptists on the question of feet washing: ‘10. That Baptism, the Lord’s Supper, and Washing of the saints’ feet, are ordinances of the gospel, to be kept up until the coming of our Lord and Master.’ Some of the Anti-missionary Baptists also keep up the practice of feet washing to the present time. The ordinance is deduced from the example of our Savior, as recorded in the 13th chapter of John, and is there sufficiently described.” -- p. 486, A History of Kentucky Baptists, Vol. I, By J. H. Spencer (Ch. 25)

Much Kentucky Baptist history can be found online HERE.

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