
Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sacred Harp in Ringgold, Louisiana

This coming Saturday, Lord willing, will be a first time Sacred Harp singing in Ringgold, Louisiana. A small but excited group of singers in north central Louisiana have put their heads together and it appears that they will have a great all-day Sacred Harp singing in Ringgold. Please consider helping us get off to a good start. Bring BOTH the Cooper and Denson revisions of The Sacred Harp. We will sing from both.

Location: New Providence Primitive Baptist Church near Ringgold, LA
Date: Saturday September 8, 2007
Time: 10:00 a.m.
Books: 2006 Sacred Harp, Cooper Edition; 1991 Sacred Harp, Denson Edition
General area map

The New Providence church building is located on LA Highway 154, about one mile east of Ringgold, on the north side of the road.

The singers in Ringgold recommend the motels in nearby Minden, LA, which is just off of Interstate 20.
Best Western 318.377.1001
Exacta Inn 318.377.3200
Holiday Inn Express 318.377.1111
Southern Inn 318.371.2880

Distance to Ringgold from:
Austin, TX - 303 miles
Birmingham, AL - 438 miles
Dallas, TX - 208 miles
Henderson, TX - 98 miles
Hot Springs, AR - 148 miles
Houston, TX - 215 miles
Jackson, MS - 177 miles
Minden, LA - 24 miles
New Orleans, LA - 250 miles
Shreveport, LA - 37 miles

Zip code mileage calculator (to find distance, enter your zip code and 71068 for Ringgold). For more information, contact me. If I cannot help, I will give you a number of a Ringgold singer to call.


  1. I don't know if you're still monitoring this blog, but if so, I just heard about Sacred Harp, did some research, & found a list of all of the signings happening in 2018. I saw that y'all are having one in Ringgold on Sept. 1 & would like some information on it. Anything you can tell me would be great! I'm quite intrigued! Thanks!

  2. Hi, I just noticed your comment. I hope I'm not too late! We would love to have you visit us in Ringgold tomorrow. The singing starts at 10:00 a.m. and goes until about 3:00 p.m. We have dinner at noon. We singing from two books, the Cooper and Denson revisions of The Sacred Harp. We have loaners available for those who don't have books. The New Providence church building is located about 1 mile east of Ringgold, on Hwy 154. Here are a couple of links that have some other information, and feel free to e-mail me if you need anything else.

  3. My e-mail is (just replace -AT- with @)

    Thanks. Have a great day!
