
Friday, May 11, 2007

Some Baptists

(Greek: dip, immersion, dipping in water)
Anabaptist: A "rebaptizer"; From the Greek ana up, again
Antipaedobaptist: One who is opposed to the baptism of infants. Webster's Dictionary 1828; From the Greek anti + paedo
Antibaptist: One who opposes baptism. Evidently at times associated with or equivalent to “Anabaptist”, implying the opposition to infant baptism equals opposition to baptism. From the Greek anti opposite
Baptist: (caps) A member of a Christian denomination that baptizes believers by immersion; (lowercase) a person who baptizes. From the Greek baptein dip immerse, wash
Catabaptist: One who opposes baptism, especially of infants. According to Mennonite Encyclopedia, "a name used for a time (1525 and following) for the Swiss Anabaptists by Zwingli and Oecolampadius in their Latin writings." Further, "The word is actually used in essentially the same meaning as ‘Anabaptist,’ that is, rebaptizer, but carries the additional connotation of ‘anti-baptist,’ that is, attempting to destroy the true baptism.” From the Greek kata down, through, against
Credobaptist: One who believes that statement of belief in Jesus Christ is necessary before one is baptized; believers' baptism, the opposite of pedobaptist .From the Latin credo "I believe", statement of one's belief(s)
Crypto-baptist: Hidden baptist; may be used of those of other denominations who are very baptistic, those "proto-baptist" groups some consider Baptists, or the "unknown" Baptist progenitors of the present-day Baptists. Sometimes used as the equivalent of proto-baptist, q.v.From the Greek kryptein, to hide
Hemerobaptist: A Jewish sect whose adherents bathed (or washed ceremonially) every morning before the hour of prayer Webster's Dictionary 1828, et al. From the Greek hemero day
Holobaptist: A believer in baptismal immersion. From the Hutchinson Encyclopaedia. (Evidently implies application of water to the entire body) From the Greek holos whole
Paedobaptist: One who practices, adheres to, or advocates infant baptism. From the Greek paido child (Also Pedobaptist)
Proto-baptist: first Baptists, pre-Baptists, "baptists before the Baptists"; a name used to refer to pre-17th religious groups that held Baptist/baptistic principles such as believers' baptism, free religious exercise, etc. -- denoting that those using the term may recognize them as precursors to the English Baptists while denying any organic connection. From Greek protos first, superlative of pro "before."
Se-baptist: Self-baptizer; According to the article on John Smyth in Christianity Today's "Christian History & Biography", "Amsterdam Separatist Richard Bernard nicknamed him [John Smyth] a 'Se-Baptist' (self-baptizer)."

A short list of some kinds of Baptists, or terms referring to Baptists, that you may encounter when reading historical and theological discussions. This is probably better than some other things we've been called!
This list made by a compulsive information gatherer might actually be useful to someone in their reading. If not, maybe you can use it for trivia!

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